Monday, February 18, 2013

Strange Blackout CC#3

           A mysterious blackout at the Superbowl? Sunday February 3rd in the middle of the worlds greatest game of football a blackout came and left the game in suspense for about half an hour. The question is what could have caused this strange blackout?
           First of all, some are blaming the light show from Beyonce's performance during half-time. Carl Owens, A electrician for entergy, States "Her half time show took a ton of power just from the look of it. That could of easily been the cause of the blackout." I could understand trying to make a spectacular performance but there is still a limit to think about. So could Beyonce be the one to blame for the blackout at the Superbowl or could it have been something or someone else?
             Next, could the blackout be an elaborate prank? Security guards at the Superbowl reported and said "There will always be some guy out there trying to ruin the Superbowl for a bad joke." There would have to be a lot of planning and work to go into this prank. If this was the cause of the blackout then I guess its true that some guys have too much time on their hands. Could this have been the cause of the blackout?
             Finally, was the blackout just a simple electrical problem? Aaron Zigman, a fan of the 49ers commented "It just goes to show you that no matter where you go every place has its problems." To me it is hard to believe that this was just a simple electrical problem I just would think a mistake like this would happen during the Superbowl. Was this the reason why the Superbowl was put on hold or could it have been another reason?
             I can take responsibility in my learning by going to do more research and find the true cause for this mysterious black out. I also could find out more opinions of what other people think about the blackout.
             In conclusion, there could be many causes to blame for this event but in the end the game was still a amazing game to end the football season. Now you have heard my suggestions but what do you think cause the blackout at the Superbowl?

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