Monday, October 22, 2012


In this article i have come to learn why Bacteria can survive on caffine and why us humans are unable to live off of caffine.

The Article has said " Pseudomonas putida CBB5 can get all the calories and nutrients they need from caffine". It is interesting how even bacteria, germs and dirt, can do things that even humans are not able too.

The article also states "that human liver enzymes have the task of processing caffine and other drugs". No matter what we do we can never survive off of caffine because our bodies wont let us.

I can take responsibility for my learning by looking up different bacteria and see if they can survive on caffine.

Theres many different bacterias but my question is how many can survive on Caffine?

Flying sauser

 In this Fox News report i have found out there was secrect records for a flying sauser program found in a warehouse.

 For more information the Fox News report states "they found a document describing a secret program by the air force to build a flying sauser". This is incredible information and just imagining a flying sauser becoming a real source of transportation would be Amazing.

What would this Flying sauser look like? Well the Fox news Explains in their report " NDC is in the process of digitizing the whole document. This sauser had too take a lot of planning and design but why would they plan all of this just to Hide this design?

I can take resonsability for my learning by going on the Fox News website and looking at the virtual design they will make for space ship if the ship could of flew

These records of a flying document have been hidden for years and now have been recovered. So if the government has hidden this what else could they be hiding?

Monday, October 15, 2012


The Dark knight rises was a dark night for many. James Holmes Assulted many people that night and changed their lifes Forever. When James was asked in a court room why he did this he stated "it was a joke ". This man was a insane and had to have major problems for what he had done to those poor people at the Century 16 theater in Aurora, California.

James Holmes came into the theater with a black hoodie and red hair according to the woman who worked at the century 16 theater. Just by looking at this man you would probaly think he was different and not in a good way in my opinion.

At about 12:45 Police had apprehended James Holmes after the shootings Behind the theater next to his car filled with fire arms according to the police officer. This man obviosly was the one responsible for these murders and the worst part was he was doing this for a terrible prank.

Even though this man has been brought to justice we can never fix what he has been done. Ever since the shooting I am always concerned that it is not safe to take my little cousin to the movies.The world is scared that this event could happen again and might occur soon.

Monday, October 1, 2012

book review

Jason, Leo and Piper (3 fifteen year olds) find out that they're demigods (half god half mortal). Jason's the son of Zeus, god of the sky, Leo's the son of Hephaestus, god of fire and forges and Piper is the daughter of Aphrodite, goddess of love. Leo's mom died because of Gaia (the earth) and he's been an "orphan" on the run ever since. Piper's dad has been captured by a giant and he says that if she doesn't sacrifice Jason and Leo to him, he will kill  her father. Piper eventually tells Jason and Leo this. Gaia has been asleep for ages but she is slowly awakening and bringing back the giants and the most terrifying monsters back from the underworld. Once Gaia is fully awake they will have no chance of stopping her and basically it will be the end of the world. The Lost Hero takes place all around the U.S.A. our young heroes go to places such as Chicago, Detriot, and Florida. When I read The Lost Hero im always satisfied with the book's twist and turns around every corner.The story makes me wish I was one of these amazing characters. My favorite character in this story would be Jason he is the one who holds the fate of the world in his hands. Jason is brave, fearless, and deah defying.  this is wierd to say but when I read about Jason he reminds me of my brother Jesse He is always getting me out of trouble and being the hero.